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10 facts about pirates


Arrr, here be some interesting pirate facts for ye on International Talk like a Pirate Day:

  1. Jolly Roger: The Jolly Roger flag, with its skull and crossbones, was a well-known pirate symbol. It struck fear into the hearts of those who saw it flying on a pirate ship.

  2. Pirate Code: Pirates often had their own code of conduct or articles, which governed how they behaved onboard. These varied from crew to crew but usually included rules about sharing treasure and fair treatment.

  3. Famous Pirates: Some notorious pirates include Blackbeard (Edward Teach), Captain Kidd (William Kidd), and Anne Bonny, one of the few known female pirates.

  4. Buccaneers: The term “buccaneer” originally referred to hunters of wild cattle and pigs in the Caribbean. Some buccaneers later turned to piracy.

  5. Buried Treasure: The idea of buried pirate treasure is more of a legend than a fact. While pirates did amass wealth, it was often spent or divided among the crew rather than buried.

  6. Pirate Ships: Pirates used various types of ships, but one of the most famous was the pirate sloop. These were fast, maneuverable vessels ideal for piracy.

  7. Eye Patch and Peg Leg: The stereotypical image of pirates with eye patches and peg legs has some truth. Eye patches were sometimes worn to keep one eye adjusted to darkness below deck. Peg legs were used by some pirates who had lost limbs in battles or accidents.

  8. Pirate Lingo: The way pirates are often portrayed speaking in movies, using phrases like “Ahoy, matey!” and “Shiver me timbers!” isn’t entirely accurate. It’s more of a Hollywood invention.

  9. Privateers: Some pirates were actually privateers, sanctioned by governments to attack enemy ships during times of war. They were like legal pirates.

  10. Pirate End: Many pirates met violent ends, whether in battle, through execution, or from disease. Blackbeard, for instance, was killed in a battle with British naval forces.

Piracy was a fascinating and perilous way of life during the Golden Age of Piracy in the 17th and 18th centuries.

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