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Great ice breakers for work, school, or parties


When you are in a group setting with people you don’t know, sometimes it can feel stressful and awkward.  Ice breakers are a great option for groups.  Here are some different ice breakers you can use at your next get together.

  1. Two Truths and a Lie: Each person shares two true facts and one made-up fact about themselves, and others have to guess which is the lie.
  2. Human Bingo: Create bingo cards with interesting facts or characteristics, and participants mingle to find someone who matches each square.
  3. Desert Island: Ask everyone to choose three items they’d bring to a desert island and explain their choices.
  4. Picture Show and Tell: Participants share a photo from their phone and tell a short story about it.
  5. The Bucket List: Have everyone share one item from their bucket list and explain why it’s important to them.
  6. Personal Superpower: Ask each person to describe a fictional superpower they wish they had and how it would benefit their work.
  7. Memory Lane: Share a memorable childhood experience or a favorite school memory.
  8. Emoji Introductions: Introduce yourself using only emojis and have others guess what they mean.
  9. Share a Skill: Share a unique skill or hobby you have outside of work.
  10. Word Association: Start with a word related to the meeting topic and have each person say the first word that comes to mind.

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